Let’s just get straight into it; I am very excited to announce that I have just launched my very own Patreon page.
Aaaaaaarrrrghhh! 😬
Let’s get deeper and allow me to explain what is Patreon, why I have decided to do this, what you will get out of it and why I believe this will allow me to serve you better and to spread deaf awareness.
What is Patreon & why I have decided to set it up?

If you are not familiar with Patreon, it is a very popular crowdfunding membership platform​ for online creators to build closer relationships with the community and provide exclusive experiences to their subscribers, aka “patrons”.
And I want to offer you the chance to be the a Patreon of Hear Me Out! [CC] and receive those exclusive experiences too.
Become a Patron of Hear Me Out! [CC]
Join the community, receive exclusive perks and help make the world more deaf aware by clicking below.
So why am I doing this?
Well there are a number of reasons:
- to connect with more people and at a deeper level
- to better find a way to better provide content that resonates with people who requires it
- understand what my audience want better
- to create better quality content with the help of video/podcast editors
- to manage my rising expenses and cover costs of creating additional content
- to enable a long-term future of Hear Me Out! [CC] whilst also supporting more people
That last point is an important disclaimer to make and you should read more about that below.
Important disclaimer before going any further
In the interest of being honest, open and transparent, here’s the thing; it won’t be free.
Now I know some people might like the idea of paying for something and I totally get that. I do not want to lie to you by saying that it’s another way for me to build income and cover costs.
Because it is.
But the only way for me to, not just continue to do what I do, but to also build upon that by providing better quality service and content, it’s by making this decision.
With so many expenses to cover but a burning desire to serve my audience better, I wanted to find a way to make it easier to serve you but without asking you to pledge a lot.
And I’m talking as little as $3/£2.30 a month, plus you can cancel when you want.
By doing that, you can contribute in my quest to make the world more deaf aware and better help to bridge the gap between the hearing and deaf world.
But I also want to make sure that you benefit from it too and if you do visit my Patreon page, you will learn about those benefits that you will receive.
So if you don’t feel comfortable with that, or you prefer to continue accessing my deaf/hard of hearing blog, videos and podcast on this website (which I will continue to update), you are more than welcome to do that. There are no obligations for you to sign up.
And if you know anyone who would benefit from being a patron, share this page them.
Who can benefit the most from being a Patreon?

If you want to know whether being a patron is right for you, see if any of the below resonates you:
- be part of a supportive group of deaf/hard of hearing people in an exclusive group
- be amongst people who are hearing yet wants to be part of the deaf/hard of hearing community
- you enjoyed the content on this site and you want to receive more that are tailored for you
- you want to get to know me better and learn how I manage being deaf/hard of hearing
- have a more direct access with me
- you want to contribute to the cause by increasing deaf awareness further
- you want to give back because something on this site has resonated with you
I may have missed out on additional individuals (contact me or comment at the bottom of the page if you want to see if you benefit) but if any of the above applies to you, then you will benefit from being a patron.
But what do you get out of it?
What do You get out of being a Patreon?
Some of the benefits of being an official patron include:
- An invitation to be part of an exclusive private Slack group
- Be the first to receive major news, updates, behind-the-scene videos, etc.
- A mention on this page to thank you for your contribution
- A personal message from me to thank you for being a patron
- Access to exclusive patron-only posts, messages, letters and advice
- Monthly video live-streams to patrons where we can chat, do Q&As and share other updates
- One-on-one access with me every month to talk about anything relating to deaf awareness
- And more benefits will be added in the future which you can contribute to
I also want to offer you the chance to be the “Founding Patrons” of Hear Me Out! [CC] and receive limited-time special offers if you sign up before 8th January 2020.
Become a Patron of Hear Me Out! [CC]
Join the community, receive exclusive perks and help make the world more deaf aware by clicking below.
If you have any questions about anything related to being a patron, you can contact me privately or you can comment below so that more people can see your questions and I will get back to you.
Current Patreons of Hear Me Out! [CC]
Thank you to the following patrons for helping to support myself and the website:
- Geoff Kennedy
- Azza Obeid
- Nadir Obeid
- Mandy Taylor
- William Hope
- Linda Zack
- Karen Easton
- Shine Bootcamp
- Mimi Shulman
- Leanna Macartney
- What is ‘audism’? Plus my personal experiences of facing audism - October 27, 2021
- ‘CODA’ movie review: my thoughts on the latest deaf movie to be released - October 13, 2021
- Deafness as a ‘hidden/invisible disability’ - October 6, 2021
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